1. Pro-forma invoices and internet ordering

All orders imply the customer's agreement the conditions hereunder. These conditions cannot be altered - without prior express consent on our part - by contrary provisions regarding general terms of sale that may appear on a client's order form or any other commercial document.

2. Prices 
Our prices and discounts only apply to a single particular transaction and may not be interpreted as applying to other transactions. Moreover these prices are only valid on the date of the pro-forma invoice and may change without notice. This may happen when variables outside our responsibility may occur, such as variations in transport conditions, custom duties and levies, fiscal or legal conditions and rates of foreign currency exchange. All or some of the above factors may bring a change in the terms of sale (delivery, delivery dates and/or prices).

3. Deliveries
The Customer assumes entire responsibility for the consistent reception of the delivered goods. In case the delivered merchandise does not match the order, the customer is to inform the transporter immediately of his complaint. Our terms of delivery only apply to deliveries made on Swiss territory. All deliveries outside Swiss borders are bound by country-specific terms.

  • 3a. RDPLP (heavy lorries dues related to services)
    2,2% on the net bill of sale.
  • 3b. Deliveries on the Swiss plateau worth over CHF 4'000.--, all-inclusive
    Free in all of Switzerland on roads worthy of semi-detached trucks. Off-loading not included.
  • 3c. Deliveries on the Swiss plateau worth less than CHF 4'000.--, all-inclusive
    Charge from the factory at the tariffs imposed by the ASTAG GU 2005 minus 20%, but minimum CHF 150.--
  • 3d. Deliveries requiring off-loading by a crane
    CHF 60.-- per offloads.
  • 3e. Special deliveries
    Extra costs in mountainous regions, or heavy loads requiring police permission or accompaniment, light but voluminous loads, etc., are billed separately.
  • 3f. Cargo shipping
    Current rates apply plus an additional CHF 30.-- for shipping and handling for orders below CHF 1'000.-- net
  • 3g. Deliveries by postal services
    Current rates apply plus an additional CHF 30.-- for shipping and handling for orders below CHF 1'000.-- net
4. Returns
The material delivered free of charge and in good condition will be credited with a deduction of at least 30%. Special manufacture or aged material can not be taken back. No material may be taken back without prior agreement.
5. Claims
All claims should be made with 10 days of receiving the goods. Claims on used, transformed or damaged goods are not taken into consideration. No return on goods unless previous agreement on our part. In any event, replacements will be made on defective parts, only after adversarial examination of the said part when returned to our factory. Notices, sketches, plans, demonstrations, start up assistance on work sites and any other technical information given to our customers are meant to inform the customer on the proper use of our goods. Improper use of our guidelines are not our responsibility.
6. Service delivery
Hired goods are under the responsibility of the entity that hired them or its staff. Canplast SA shall not be held responsible for damages caused by the ill use of its materials and goods. In case of doubt on the proper use of our products, the entity that hired the goods shall be liable to to contact our technical service.